The Export Centres Company Limited (ECCL) is a State Enterprise under the purview of the Ministry of Sport and Community Development, mandated to develop Trinidad and Tobago’s craft industry and the resulting maximisation of the industry’s contribution to the economic diversification of Trinidad and Tobago. ECCL was incorporated as a limited liability company in 1996.


The Export Centres Company Limited (ECCL) is a State Enterprise under the purview of the Ministry of Sport and Community Development, mandated to develop Trinidad and Tobago’s craft industry and the resulting maximisation of the industry’s contribution to the economic diversification of Trinidad and Tobago. ECCL was incorporated as a limited liability company in 1996.


ECCL will drive the exponential growth of the Craft sector’s contribution to the Trinidad and Tobago economy; world-class production and export of Trinidad and Tobago craft products; sustained development of craft artisans into successful businesses; and the facilitation of income generating opportunities that enhance social development, through a combination of skilled and trained human resources, efficient operations.

Why We Help

ECCL will contribute towards economic diversity while enhancing the development and creative talent of our citizens. This transformation will hinge upon the enhancement of our human capital through education, training and youth development, as well as the transformation of our rich cultural diversity, history and heritage.

We Are Not Alone

The ECCL is also aware of the global economic challenges faced by contemporary society. It follows that in order for us to grow and expand, the organisation must also adopt to the changes in our socio-economic environment by learning and adopting new means of production and techniques in craft.


A dynamic Craft Industry that exemplifies the creativity and culture of the nation, and significantly contributes to the economic diversification of Trinidad and Tobago.

How We Contribute

Craft cannot merely be viewed as a past-time or hobby. Rather, it has the potential of becoming a sustainable industry, capable of generating revenue, creating new avenues for employment and contributing to the GDP of Trinidad and Tobago.

What We Do

ECCL can be viewed as a ‘developmental’ organization contributing to community development and social transformation.


Craft Sector Development

Development and revitalization of the craft sector as a business enterprise leading to job creation and exports.

Encouraging Innovation

Encourage invention and innovation to job creation while exporting the rich heritage of creativity, culture and innate talent of our people.


Contribute to poverty alleviation and crime reduction.


In the context of current trends, the strategic plan of ECCL is to embark on a pathway that not only train citizens to become artisans, but to engage and assist artisans to be part of a success driven export enterprise


Given the current adverse economic climate whereby an economy primarily based on oil and gas is no longer sustainable or renewable, the need for economic diversity is now of critical importance. It is now virtually impossible for the state to provide employment and at the same time meet welfare demands for all. We must therefore seek sustenance elsewhere through the non-energy sector. Economic diversity is now seemingly our only option in our fight for economic and social stability.

Welfare State

Trinidad and Tobago can be viewed as a ‘quasi’ welfare state whereby many citizens are trapped in a cycle of dependency on the state.