Craft Hub TT
Craft Hub TT
Craft Hub TT National
Wholesale Craft Store
Carnival bands, weddings & special event planners, retailers, restaurants, government bodies, corporate entities and offices; we have customizable local craft to meet your company’s needs!
The National Online Wholesale Craft Store provides craft items made by Trinidad and Tobago’s artisans for wholesale purchase. Some items may be customized for branded with your logo, texts or artwork. The store features an assortment of calabash & bamboo craft, copper craft, bath and body products, traditional local wines, trophies & plaques, First Peoples’ craft, leather craft, traditional sauces/condiments, wooden craft, office & home décor and more. We also carry customizable and corporate gifts, corporate merchandise, and corporate tokens.
The National Online Wholesale Craft Store provides craft items made by Trinidad and Tobago’s artisans for wholesale purchase. Some items may be customized for branded with your logo, texts or artwork. The store features an assortment of calabash & bamboo craft, copper craft, bath and body products, traditional local wines, trophies & plaques, First Peoples’ craft, leather craft, traditional sauces/condiments, wooden craft, office & home décor and more. We also carry customizable and corporate gifts, corporate merchandise, and corporate tokens.
Craft Hub TT National Craft E-Store
ECCL has a home on Parlour Caribbean. Our E-Store connects local artisans to local and international online retail markets. Shop local, handmade craft here.
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